Authorized Centre for Cambridge English Exams

Beauty is in every Accènt
  • Authorized Centre for Cambridge English Exams

    Cambridge English is a unique approach to teaching, learning and assessing English. 
    It is driven by world-class research and a profound commitment to:  

    • delivering educational excellence 
    • providing increased opportunities for learners and teachers  
    • offering value to teachers, educational institutions and employers  
    • promoting language learning to benefit society as whole.

    Cambridge English is provided by two departments of the University of Cambridge: Cambridge English Language Assessment and Cambridge University Press. Our two organizations enjoy a long history of working together. In addition to collaborating on exam preparation materials, we have also worked together on developing and publishing research such as theEnglish Profile project and Studies in Language Testing (SiLT).  

    The expertise of Cambridge English staff is backed by the largest dedicated research team of any English language assessment provider. A global networks give Cambridge English further access to local experts in virtually every country in the world. 

    Cambridge English has been at the forefront of English language assessment for 100 years. 
    The exams, teaching and preparation materials and other services support educational programs around the world. Cambridge English works closely with schools, universities, employers and governments to develop and deliver educational solutions to meet their needs. 

    Over 4 million people a year take the exams, and many millions more use official Cambridge English materials to prepare and learn. Ensuring accuracy, fairness and reliability on this global scale requires an uncompromising dedication to quality.

    Cambridge English believes that continuous innovation – reflecting the latest research and best practice – is the key to delivering better services including:   

    • computer adaptivetesting
    • blendedlearning 
    • learningorientedassessment 
    • learning management systems 
    • professionaldevelopment for teachers.

    For more info visit:

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